Kaiju Jiu Wudi - Chapter 34

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13 responses to “Kaiju Jiu Wudi”

  1. LOL, if his real body is in the domain down in the mortal world, Your “god” can’t do shit lmfao, so good luck, you can’t even kill him there

  2. Although i love this manhwa u need to fasten up the uploads 1 week is too much waiting time maybe if u could half it , it would be great

  3. interesting power i suppose just 3 things wrong which is why i dropped it at ch. 24:

    1. Chick magnet and all the girls that he gets are obviously just after his power and belongings in reality, because if he wasnt strong than all of those girls would have either eaten him and took his enternal body without a single thought.

    2. I dont like manga where the MC takes diciples because the reason why there is something called a main character is because the plot revolves around him and you watch HIS growth yet in manga when MC takes diciple you end up watching a side characters growth and not the actual MC.

    3. Its really slow and sorta repetitive because he cant even leave his temple untill around chp. 24 so all chapters seem to revolve around one small area without the MC doing anything else other then spoiling his golddigger girls and repetitive attacks from upper thugs who dont learn.

    So– I dropped this .___.

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