I’m an Ex-class Hunter

I’m an Ex-class Hunter

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I'm an Ex-class Hunter - 俺はEX級ハンターだ - 나는 EX급 헌터다 -

Martial Arts
Synopsis I’m an Ex-class Hunter

I’m an Ex-class Hunter! In a united front, eight races confronted an enigmatic foe,

resulting in complete annihilation—except for Arden, the lone hero of the human race. In a twist of fate, Kiritani Sho, armed with memories from a previous life, is reborn into the modern world. As a hunter, he strives to reunite with his comrades from a bygone era.

Transitioning from memories to the present, Sho faces the challenges of the modern world as he endeavors to reconnect

with his lost companions. The manga artfully weaves the narrative between the echoes of a past life and the complexities of a new reality. Sho, despite the loss of his powers, seizes a chance for awakening following the demise of a dear friend. The story unfolds with a seamless blend of nostalgia and newfound purpose.

I’m an Ex-class Hunter! Sho, now armed with determination, embarks on a quest to confront an unknown monster. The manga delves into the intricacies of Sho's journey, offering readers a visual feast of battles and self-discovery. The transition from a mundane life to a hunter's pursuit is accentuated by vivid illustrations that capture the essence of each encounter.

As Sho challenges the unknown, the manga navigates the emotional landscape of loss and resilience. The narrative evolves, drawing readers deeper into a world where the line between memory and present action blurs. Sho's quest becomes a testament to the enduring spirit of a hero, a theme woven into the fabric of the manga's storytelling.

In summary, I’m an Ex-class Hunter! unfolds a tale of rebirth, camaraderie, and the pursuit of the unknown. Sho's journey is a dynamic exploration of past and present, portrayed through the lens of a modern hunter. The manga invites readers to immerse themselves in a narrative that transcends time, with each chapter unveiling the layers of Sho's quest against an enigmatic monster, creating a captivating blend of nostalgia and anticipation.



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