Eleceed - Chapter 298

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89 responses to “Eleceed”

  1. @ Debilujebany (wouldn’t let me reply):

    Unfortunately, someone who is not as skilled as the previous translators. I hope they up their game soon (or at the LEAST have a native English speaker proofread it).

  2. Well I guess I have to fimd another site to read this… Because it seems like the translator got lobotomized where they started taking the chapters from…

  3. Ok, I feel borderline violated. I mean, I *did* look ahead to see how many chapters were left and the last one showing was 214 … but it’s freakin’ EMPTY. And now I will throw a tantrum. [crosses arms] WAAAA! [stomps foot]
    (great job guys, way to rile up the hype & live up to it)

  4. Welcome to “Good Guy Thoughts 101.” Live selfishly and die alone. Fight as one, you may prevail. But even if you die, at least you died nobly. For your friends and fellow man. And not alone.

  5. Time for someone to say ‘everyone attack’ … just pick a target and start attacking. You guys aren’t normie nobodies. Start flinging powers or you are just gonna die.

  6. So … the announcer for the “bad school” is actually a villain? A for reals villain, even betraying the ‘bad school.’

  7. I love the parallel between the headmaster being a gardener, growing plants like he nurtures students too! I’m excited for the new arc!!!

  8. I see future business opportunities if Kayden and Curtin team up. Kayden breaks them and Curtin heals them. For a fee, of course. LoL

  9. Vator should have given up on his destroying the one guild/clan and of attacking the girl. Just say you are going to wait around a bit for Raiden to show up. What an idiot.

  10. I feel a disturbance…like a woman in a leadership position will be rushing around to see the relative of a friend… (like we don’t all see that coming – lol)

  11. Na na na na na na na na – Fat Cat / Na na na na na na na na – Fat Cat / Fat Cat / FAT CAAAAT (sung to the tune of ‘Batman’ from old TV show of the same name)

  12. What a stupid plan. Unless the President himself can defeat ALL higher ranking people outside of his organization, there’s no way his could “rise to the top” by defeating those stronger than his own subordinates. Sure a ludicrous simple-minded and short-sighted plan.

  13. ulan at kafası, senin akademindeki öğrenciler 1v1 lerde mal olmuş , hala akademine davet etme cürretini kendinde buluoyrsun

  14. Curtin reis kedi dönüşümünü ve kedi yumruğunu baya bi önemsiyor ama ne yapacak bu dönüşümle onu merak ediyorum

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