The Tutorial is Too Hard - Chapter 42
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The Laughing Monarch
Thank you ES. I was thinking it was a mistake at first, but once I got down to the part where he was talking about failure towards the end, I put 2 and 2 together and figured it was him in the future thinking of his first failure.
Everyday Commoner
Guys this chapter might be a bit confusing… But think about it, from the beginning of this story this is being narrated from the future MC. So every now and then a chapter (or a small part in a chapter) appears where the future MC (who is currently stuck in a high floor (maybe floor 60? Idk) and waiting for that Olympic archer newbie) is shown guiding the archer so he can clear the floor he is stuck on with her. Think of this story as a flashback from the future MC till the story reaches the floor where he permanently gets stuck.
From what I remember… When I read this novel there used to be tens of chapters mixed in by accident(I think) and they never made sense. Apparently this seems to be a chapter from higher floors like 30-50. So yeah. A spoiler…
We have.. no fucking idea
Whats that??? Is that a spoiler??
This chapter confused me so much