The Beginning After The End - Chapter 141
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So one of three things happened
1: The report was severely out of context to imprison Arthur
2: The Kingdom itself is evil or is brain-washed
3: Due to some sort of plan, the King figured prison is better?
I’m sorry but the author seems to be playing it like a b atm. Why in the heck would a king and queen vote the guy out for saving their kids.. Very illogical.. Unless they are insecure of his power that they gotta delete him. But as far as I know the king and queen’s demeanor isn’t that weak willed. In my opinion, there has to be a better way to do this “punishment arc” than a freakin council vote that’s unsatisfying.
Not surprised if the Elves were to wage war against the humans just to save Arthur, that rulling is Utter Nonsense!
From a Story writing point of view is freaking fantastic! I makes us reader really on edge and emotionally invested in a good way.
That rulling is Utter BS, I’m not surprised if the Elves were to go to war with the humans just to save Arthur.
bro for 1 of the only times arthur nearly cried
Damn the last few panels were depressing😔😭😭😢😢
Bro this is such bs wthh bro after he saved all of them stripped of being a mage and incarcerated AND THE KING AND QUEEN AGREED LIKE IF HE WASNT THERE YOUR CHILDREN WOULD BE DEAD they have some way of repaying the savior of their children bruh
Arthur going to prison the chapter after he returns…. all prison arcs are awesome tho, like One Piece Impel Down, One Piece Wano Arc, ok yeah that’s all i can think of.