My Husband Hides His Beauty - Chapter 23
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*** frustrated sigh *** The entire conversation between Leticia and Erden made absolutely no sense at all. If you opened a dictionary and chose words at random they would still form a more understandable sentence than whats been written here. You can gather that Erden is trying to file for a divorce but Leticias conditions are a mystery since everything she said was pure gibberish. Its gotten so bad that you cant even figure out what theyre trying to say anymore nor can you understand anything about the plotline or what our MC’s are trying to accomplish. Even the narration boxes and inner dialogue is incomprehensible. Its quite a shame. If you’re to busy to do something right then you shouldn’t do it at all. It doesnt matter how many translated titles your site carries, if they are unreadable then they are worthless to the reader and a waste of time for the translator that could have been invested in the proper translation of another story. Sadly, I have no choice but to drop this brutally butchered adaptation now.