Destiny Unchain Online

Destiny Unchain Online

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Destiny Unchain Online 〜吸血鬼少女となって、やがて『赤の魔王』と呼ばれるようになりました〜Destiny Unchain Online 〜成为吸血鬼少女,不久后被称为『红之魔王』〜

Martial Arts
Synopsis Destiny Unchain Online

Destiny Unchain Online

Mitsuki Kou, known as "Crim the Headhunter" for his prowess in player vs. player combat, aims to dominate his father's new virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game, Destiny Unchain Online. However, upon launching the game, Kou encounters a glitch transporting him into a remote area where his vampire avatar transforms into a female character.

Transitioning into the game, the manga follows Kou navigating this unforeseen twist. Kou struggles to adjust to his new form and abilities as a female vampire. Once oriented, Kou sets out to explore the expansive world his father created. Along the way, Kou befriends other players, some also encountering issues in the new release, by protecting and guiding them through dangerous zones.

Though temporarily waylaid by the glitch, Kou remains determined to cement his reputation as the top player. He begins hunting formidable monsters and bosses to gain levels and skills faster than other players. Kou bands together with newfound comrades to tackle threats too powerful to defeat alone. They embark on epic quests across picturesque landscapes and through shadowy dungeons.

However, Destiny Unchain Online’s scale enables players to evade Kou and operate anonymously. A clandestine organization emerges, monopolizing resources and dictating how players progress. They demand exorbitant taxes from users wishing to access certain areas. The group ruthlessly eliminates any who oppose them, including Kou’s friends.

Angered by their tyrannical control over Destiny Unchain Online, Kou resolves to dismantle the organization. He spearheads a resistance movement to undermine their authority, freeing the game from their grip. In a series of intense confrontations, Kou battles the organization’s strongest members, outmaneuvering each through skill and teamwork. Ultimately, Kou confronts their sinister leader intent on corrupting the game to suit his purposes. They engage in a climactic duel for the fate of Destiny Unchain Online.

Victorious, Kou restores freedom to the virtual world. Players can once again shape their own destinies. Although initially a place to dominate, Destiny Unchain Online became a means for Kou to cultivate meaningful bonds by defending others. Kou finds purpose through connecting with people behind avatars and ensuring everyone’s enjoyment. His prowess and new relationships, rather than power over others, define Kou. By liberating the game, Kou secures his place as a legendary player and hero to its community.



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